1) Typically, my proudest moment of blogging isn't my soundest. It happened when I taught myself how to embed swf videos into a blog post- which isn't exactly rocket science but still an accomplishment for my usual 'only Youtube' style. Also I should think there is no greater pride than finding out something for oneself, is there?
2) I've also discovered the wonders of StumbleUpon which has dismayed many a prof who have found me stifling giggles during classes. Very naughty of me but oh, how it has fed my unexplained predilection for funny cat videos, pandas and strange sex stories. On a less inappropriate note it has hopefully contributed to my readership here as I have audaciously StumbleUpon-ed myself on my main page and on several individual posts. I consider that another of my finest moments as a blogger.
3) Twitter has been another outlet for this newly embraced exhibitionist side of me. I am one of those who for no rhyme or reason, records insignificant nuggets of information about my life every other hour. To be honest, while Twitter may be a great tool for sharing information, it's also extremely functional for casual bloggers who have contracted Facebook's 'what are you thinking' bug. Moreover I believe my friends would be more interested in tweets on last night's shenanigans than practical newscasts. But to each his own! Twitter serves the masses. Despite my fandom, I must point out that the most recent anti-Twitter viral video is brilliant. Watch this mockumentary by SlateV: Flutter.
Sorry to interrupt my flowing prose, but I couldn't resist posting that.
4) Readership is over 600 after less than 3 months of blogging, averaging 12 per day. Well, according to Blogcounter at least. Here's some evidence for the unbelieving reader. I didn't fake the numbers - I don't know how to!