Friday, March 6, 2009


This space has been pretty quiet the past week, as it's been inundated with paper after paper that has drained me, spent me and shot my stress level to hell. And there is only more to look forward to! But before I'm rained down by another essay avalanche here's what people have been getting up to.

I love the Guinness World Records- it AMAZES me. Here's an update on Uribe, the fattest man in the world.

He's spent 6 years lying in bed, immobile. Finally getting tired of his sedentary lifestyle, he hollered out for some new wheels so he could see the world. Now, he's gotten custom fixtures added to his van to support his record-breaking weight, converting it into some kind of 'an open-air, flatbed pickup of sorts', so he can finally roll out and lounge outside of his 'remodeled garage that now include(s) a forklift to help raise his regular bed up to the level of his car bed, allowing him to switch locations from time to time'. Isn't that inspiring!!! He should totally get an episode on Pimp my ride!

Time recently posted an article that might appeal to you, if you're into weird aesthetics when it comes to food. The following images are of the Modern Toilet, an increasingly popular taiwanese food chain, where they have installed poop-shaped lights and dish covers and the curry on toilet-shaped plates in their restaurants. Personally I can think of one person - my friend M, who might appreciate this!

photo credits: Fun fever and Time

Though hardly as gross as Japan's newest shit-for-food fad (could only find a forum conversation- guess it advertises by word of mouth!), it still makes me wonder how these places actually gain popularity. Have people really run out of ideas, to the extent where they have to resort to such disturbing business innovations? I'm pretty old school myself, I like my plates and food-shaped food!


  1. honestly, i'll puke if you served my food in a toilet bowl (real or fake)

  2. yeah it makes me think of 2 girls 1 cup!

  3. i wouldn't mind dining at Modern Toilet. as long as it doesn't actually SMELL like any of the toilets in SMU.

    btw really reminds me of these POOOOOOOOP PASTRIES

    ughhhhh yuccccck

  4. Personally, I thought 2 girls 1 cup was done very tastefully.

  5. Story so old! find newer things on the net that i havent seen on Ripley's believe it or not. :P

  6. b: UGHHHH why can't cakes just be cakes and not mutilated like that

    kat: you amaze me.

    ju: yes maybe you and gavin can have a shit for food race!

    anonymous: aw don't be smug! we learn new things everyday!

  7. FYI that fat man is from Mexico, so the fattest person in the world is actually NOT American!!! YEYYY!!!
    p.s. wow that anonymous guy was a total jerk... this is one of the first creative blogs i've actually seen... two thumbs up!

  8. hahhaha 'anonymous' was actually my boyfriend being an ass but really in an effort to get me credits for class! (more comments=better grade) but yes- jerk indeed!

    thanks for your comment, sorry the site is dead now that my course has ended. really glad you like my posts!



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